In this post we recognize Wayne Hall, Supervisor of Carpenters, Painters, & Locksmiths for Facilities Services, for his 25 years of Service to Middlebury. Wayne tells us about his hobbies, recalls his fondest experience here at the College, and shares his favorite spot on campus. Read on to learn more about Midd from Wayne’s point of view.

What did you do prior to work
at Middlebury College and where were you located?

In 1973, after college, I worked on Martha’s Vineyard managing a tire store. After 3 years, not able to compete with Mia Farrow and James Taylor for real estate, I moved to Vermont and worked for two architectural woodworking companies as a cabinetmaker/woodworker and project manager. Some of that work was done as a subcontractor for Middlebury College. That contact and knowledge about the college got me interested in applying for a position as a maintenance carpenter.

What job titles have you held
while working at Middlebury?

Maintenance Carpenter and Supervisor of Carpenters/Painters/Locksmiths

Take us back to your first year
as an employee at the College. What were the most significant things happening
in your life outside of work then?

I was co-parenting my 14 year old son with my ex-wife. Living in Orwell, married and raising a six year old son. We were renovating our home, gardening, canoe camping and alpine skiing. I was also working side jobs for income as my initial pay was not enough for our expenses.

What are the most significant
things happening in your life outside of work now (that you’d like to share)?

My oldest son is living the good life in Johnson, VT. My youngest son was married in October 2018. My wife Kitty and I continue to make improvements to our home and 10 acres in Orwell.  We will be building a two car garage soon. I am planning for my retirement sometime in the next 2+ years.

Have your
interests/hobbies/athletic endeavors changed over the past 25 years? Have any
of these been influenced by your work at the College or due to your association
with others who work here?

I have added kayaking and fresh water snorkeling to my activities. I also enjoy a fun activity that I have been involved in due to association with others here at work for the last 10 winters. That activity is the Friday afternoon winter Alpine Ski Bum League at the Snow Bowl.

What is your fondest memory or
experience that you’ve had while working at Middlebury?

My fondest experience was the times spent preparing for commencements when Christopher Reeves and Bill Clinton were the speakers. Being involved in preparations for the Dalia Lamas’ visit was also very exciting.

Many people change jobs/careers
multiple times in their working life. Something must have kept you here for 25
years. Is it anything that you can put into words?

I enjoy the work and particularly the people that I work with. My coworkers in Facilities Services are very talented and have provided the opportunity for me to learn something new daily. The excellent benefits have had a lot to do with staying for 25 years.

What are your plans for the
next 25 years?

I plan on completing my work here in a little over 2 years. I look forward to having more time to pursue the interests that I listed above. I don’t plan on being idle.

Do you have a favorite place on

The view from the top of Mead Chapel is awesome.