On March 4th and 5th, Middlebury will be having a town election! If you are registered to vote in Middlebury, you are eligible to vote in this election. Learn more below!
Town Meeting:
March 4th is Town Meeting Day. Town meeting is a New England tradition in which people come together to discuss and vote on local issues. This year, town meeting is on March 4th at 7:00 p.m. at Middlebury Union High School. You are a resident of Middlebury and a Middlebury voter, so you are eligible to attend town meeting, listen and voice your thoughts about town issues, and vote!
How to get there:
You can walk or drive to Middlebury Union High School (73 Charles Avenue), or take a MiddVote shuttle! The MiddVote shuttle will leave from Adirondack Circle at 6:45 pm and return at 9:00pm.
March 5th Town Election:
March 5th will be a town election, and Middlebury residents will vote on more local issues. Some initiatives you will see on this year’s ballot include:
- Two resolutions sponsored by climate justice organization 350VT, which would encourage Vermont legislators to transition towards more renewable energy and ban the construction of new fossil fuel infrastructure. If you want more information on these two resolutions or want to discuss them with peers and community members, Middlebury College Sunday Night Environmental Group (SNEG) is hosting a panel tonight in the Ilsley Public Library.
- A resolution that would appropriate funding to Habitat For Humanity Addison County to support affordable housing.
- A resolution that would ban single-use plastic bags in the Town of Middlebury– check out this Campus article for more info! To learn more about this or voice your thoughts, attend a community meeting at Ilsley Public library on Tuesday, Feb. 26th at 7:00pm.
- Voting for local officials (listed on ballots below)
If you vote on March 5th, you will be given three ballots: the Addison Central School District Ballot, the Hannaford Regional Technical School District Ballot, and the Middlebury Town Meeting Ballot. You can learn even more about candidates and ballot measure at the Addison County Independent and Front Porch Forum (sign up with your college mailing address).
When/Where to Vote on March 5th:
Polls will be open on March 5th from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm at the Middlebury Town Offices (77 Main St). You can walk or drive down anytime! If you want a ride, MiddVote will be running shuttles to the polls on March 5th from 3pm-6pm, leaving from ADK every hour.
If you have friends who want to vote in this election but are not yet registered to vote in Middlebury, let them know that they can still register to vote any day up until and including election day! All you need to register on election day is to bring your Middlebury College ID and remember the last four digits of your social security number.
If you have any questions about voting in this election, don’t hesitate to reach out to middvote@middlebury.edu.
Abby Dennis ’21 is the president of MiddVote, Middlebury’s non-partisan student organization working to increase voter participation.