The Privilege & Poverty Academic Cluster integrates rigorous academic study and focused direct service to disadvantaged communities and persons, enriching the education of undergraduate students in all majors and career paths. This summer internship program provides students with an opportunity to extend their learning about poverty and inequality in the classroom out into communities, both local and national, through funded summer internships.

Local summer internships are available at WomenSafe, John Graham Housing & Services, HOPE (Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects), Mary Johnson Children Center rural food programs and the Charter House Coalition .

National internships are coordinated through our participation in the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty summer internship program. Since 2005, Middlebury College has participated in the SHECP program to support students in summer internships with agencies that seek to work alongside vulnerable populations. Internships are available to non-graduating Middlebury students and are located in urban and rural settings throughout the United States with agencies that serve in educational, healthcare, immigration, legal, housing, social and economic capacities for the needs of individuals and their communities.

The deadline to apply is Tuesday, January 15th. 

To apply and learn more, check out the listing on Handshake. To get a glimpse into life as an intern, check out our photo story below.

National P&P interns attend an opening and closing conference during the course of their internship through the college’s partnership with SHECP. Here, Elizabeth Zhou ’18 presents at the closing conference in 2017.

Interns at the 2017 SHECP Opening Conference with CCE Director Tiffany Sargent ’79 and Professor and P&P Academic Director James Calvin Davis.

The 2018 class of Local P&P interns gather for a group discussion during the summer.

The 2018 class of local P&P interns goes through a workshop as they prepare to begin their internships.