With the new year right around the corner there is no better time to take action toward improving our health.  One of the best ways to stay healthy is to refrain from using tobacco products. The use of tobacco products is one of three behaviors that contributes to fifty percent of all deaths in Vermont.  Quitting is hard and some support can go a long way in helping us be successful. Through the VT Department of Health and 802 Quits there are lots of resources to help us move toward a tobacco free lifestyle.  Check out these free resources and move one step closer toward having the level of health you want and deserve.  If you’re interested in participating in a free tobacco cessation group on campus, please contact Rebecca Schubert, GMHEC Employee Well-being Coordinator at rebecca.schubert@gmhec.org.

-Rebecca Schubert, MS RDN NBC-HWC
GMHEC Employee Well-being Program Coordinator