Come to this session to learn about the changing nature of communications, both in business and politics.
Thursday, November 1
12:30 pm in Adirondack House Library
Click HERE to let us know you’re coming. Light lunch of assorted sandwiches is available.
Ben LaBolt is a partner at Bully Pulpit Interactive who oversees strategic communications services. He advises clients on how to transform their communications to be more integrated, targeted, and persuasive, reach beyond selling products by realizing a values based corporate vision, and help organizations under siege regain their reputation. LaBolt serves at the intersection of public affairs and the technology industry, helping brands understand how consumers, policymakers and regulators nationwide will respond to their products and services. He has advised high growth startups such as Airbnb, Uber and Sonos, and established Fortune 500 companies like McDonald’s.
His prior work includes serving as the national press secretary for President Obama’s re-election campaign, press secretary for then-Congressman Sherrod Brown’s campaign for Senate, communications director for Rahm Emanuel’s first campaign for Mayor and White House spokesman for the efforts to confirm Justices Sotomayor and Kagan to the Supreme Court.
All students welcome to learn about his background and explore options for you to get experience in public affairs. Bring your questions! He’s also here for the PSCI Field Guide on Thursday evening.