Thanks to all who attended our first open forum for the year. We had a great discussion on workforce planning, and generated good feedback and many questions. We have compiled all of the questions and feedback and have forwarded them to the administration for review. Our next forum will host Karen Miller, Vice President for HR and Chief Risk Officer, and David Provost, Executive VP for Finance and Administration, where we hope they will answer your questions and tell us all the state of workforce planning. The forum will be held in Wilson Hall in McCullough, Wednesday Oct. 3 at 9:00.
Please read the questions we submitted below, and feel free to add more comments and questions which we will gladly forward along.
Workforce Planning Process:
- How many people have met with their managers and were asked for input? (Appx 25% raised hands)
- Library was asked for their input about future state of library.
- Registrar gave a PPT presentation and asked for input. The staff felt heard.
- Other staff commented that they were aware of conversations, but not included.
- Language Schools has completed WFP before, which took a solid year. Will we have to do this all over again? Will it result in a 10% reduction? We have taken on more work since we last did the WFP exercise.
- Is SLG considering the workload they’re putting on the staff that stay? EX: Because of WFP they’re not filling one empty position out of formerly 3-4 positions.
- Have they established and what is the starting point of the staffing level for determining the future workforce size? In regards to “Future State” – is there a date when this will be defined, and will we know what this will look like during the process or afterword? Who will own this?
- Does Workforce Planning include staff at MIIS?
- Will WFP be looking at cross-departmental functions? Are VP’s talking to other VP’s? Staff have a real concern about this.
- Is there a moderating body that will help determine the right steps, or will all decision-making be made by SLG?
- Have we thought about cutting costs in other ways?
- Is travel being looked at? A simple trip to DC is $1000.
- Can efficiencies be found that would help save jobs?
- What are the mechanisms to ensure that the same hires don’t happen again?
- I’m wondering about managers. Who will assess which managers will stay and who will go? Who will determine whether or not those who stay are good managers?
- WFP, even through voluntary reduction of staff, is messing with people’s sense of security…
- What is the gap between future state and staff? What are the logistics – is the work (future state) going away really going to align with the reduction of staff?
- The price tag for a Middlebury education is steep. Can we really reduce our customer service level and if so, who will be telling the parents, students and alumni?
- Staff see all these higher-paid management positions and are fearful there will be a reduction of people on the front lines who are doing the day-to-day work that has to be done just to support the basics of providing a liberal arts education to the students here at our Middlebury location. People will be asked to do new work, but most likely on top of the old work, despite what the administration says.
- Staff feel that faculty do not understand the volume of work that staff are tasked with.
- The consensus around the room was that staff understand WFP, the definition, steps and desired outcome.
- We want to hear more from SLG in regards to WFP. Do you have a communications plan you can share? When will we get the next update?
- We feel that future communications do need to include students, alumni, parents, etc.
- Middlebury needs to communicate that it’s no longer the “culture of no complaint” – if that’s the case.
- In IT, we’re down by 4 and have only been approved for 1 replacement. What do we need to maintain, what do we need to grow, and what won’t we be doing anymore? How will this be communicated to students/faculty/staff? How will we actually stick to it?
- What is the status of the meetings by groups listed on Karen Miller’s chart?
- Staff would like to continue to have both staff forums without SLG presence and with SLG to answer direct questions
- For David, can you define “student- centered service” – what did it look like at Champlain? What is your vision?
- Library had our area meeting yesterday and they introduced everyone who was new at Midd. Many of us noticed the number of jobs with Director or Asst. Director in the title, as well as positions that are new to the college. A lot of people are discouraged (and demoralized) to see all these new initiatives, resulting in hiring for new positions, while people feel their own jobs are threatened.
Separation Package and Process:
- Why are we continuing to hire staff at a higher level? We feel it is going to be more than 10% that will need to be cut if you continue to hire at a higher level.
- Will newly hired staff be considered “safe” in the 10% reduction next spring?
- If staff have already indicated that they are retiring they’re not eligible for VSP. This isn’t the case for faculty. Also if faculty take ERP they’re able to work one more year. Why is this not the same for staff?
- How long is the process between getting a letter to being eliminated?
- What is the “voluntary” aspect of this?
- Will they over-extend their offers in March? Will they send offers to 12% with the expectation that 10% will be accepted?
- How will benefits be calculated for eligible employees who elect to move into another job at Middlebury? For example, will they maintain their current length of service, which dictates CTO accrual?
- Can the funds from the base pay payout be put into a 403b voluntary retirement plan?
- What happens to the employees’ accrued CTO time – will it be paid out separately?
- What happens to the employees’ accrued SLR time – will it be added to the bank for health care premiums? If so, what happens if the employee has been here past 18 years – will it get added to the max of $16,200 or will it be lost?
- Will there be a time limit to be able to reapply back to the college if someone takes the separation package?
- How will the “payouts” associated with elective separation offers be structured? There is fear that a large payment could push an individual into a higher tax bracket.
- Will Middlebury employees who move to the consortium maintain their Middlebury benefits?
- Will people who take the VSP be eligible for Unemployment?
Other Questions:
- Has anyone discussed bringing a union to campus? I haven’t heard it raised, and I wonder why not. I feel like this is pitting departments against one another.
- What’s the update on performance management? How can we evaluate our managers?
- Has SLG discussed that retirement and/or vacation benefits will change anytime soon?