Our friends at the PCDN, the go-to hub for the global social change community, have put together an article, World’s Top Meta List of Job Sites/Resources in Social Change, which will easily keep you distracted from writing your thesis and papers and instead having you dream about your next internship or job. The authors suggest that checking in on these sites periodically can “help you see key opportunities, what are trends in the field, what skills are needed, be informed on new organizations one may not be aware off and possibly find your dream job.  A key part of searching for openings is finding the right type of keywords to find relevant openings. Some suggestions include social entrepreneurship, peace-building, impact investing, social change, international development,  sustainability, civic tech, startup, gender and youth.”

If the list seems too big and unmanageable, come make an appointment on Handshake with your resident CCI Social Impact Advisor, Tracy Himmel Isham to talk through a job search strategy to find your social change opportunity and develop a personal framework to help you manage all the information that’s out there.