As we embark on new institutional initiatives and strategies, I am pleased to announce the formation of a core group of managers selected to help bridge institutional strategy and our operations. The Leadership Alliance (“Alliance”) will replace the Middlebury Leadership Group (MLG), which has been our primary group for administrative outreach. MLG—a group comprised of the direct reports to the vice presidents—served an important role for sharing information and fostering ongoing, two-way communication, and we sincerely thank this group for their years of dedicated service to the institution. The new Alliance is comprised of individuals charged with responsibilities to manage our human, financial, and programmatic resources. Each vice president identified the participants who will play a pivotal role in achieving our institutional success.  (Click here for a full list of members.)

Members of this group will continue to build upon their roles as managers in planning, leading, organizing, and managing for success. Of critical importance, members will play a key role in fostering effective communication, as well as high levels of engagement and empowerment throughout the Middlebury community.

Initial efforts will focus upon providing members with the necessary support to help lead the two primary initiatives for the next year—Project Ensemble and Workforce Planning. Over the long-term, plans are underway to support the development and proficiency of a set of core managerial competencies for members through a new professional development program called MiddLeads, which will launch in the coming year.

The first Alliance meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 11, and then meetings will continue on the first Tuesday of each month. Since the group is large, there are three cohorts to allow for meaningful interaction during the 90-minute meetings, scheduled for 10:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time. I invite you to connect with members of this group as resources and support as we all work together to enhance and sustain institutional success.

Karen Miller