Professional development, training, communication and confidence in leadership are among a number of things consistent across this year’s 50 organizations. The Best Nonprofits To Work For study identified 10 key drivers among organizations that made the list:

  • I feel I am valued in this organization.
  • I have confidence in the leadership of this organization.
  • I like the type of work that I do.
  •  Most days, I feel I have made progress at work.
  • I can trust what this organization tells me.
  • At this organization, employees have fun at work.
  • I feel part of a team working toward a shared goal.
  • My pay is fair for the work I perform.
  • This organization treats me like a person, not a number.
  • This organization provides as much ongoing training as I need.

Best Nonprofits scored at least an average 90 percent in six of the categories while those that did not make the top 50 had a high mark of 85 percent in one category, breaking 80 percent in four categories. The difference between organizations that made the list versus those that did not ranged anywhere from 7 percent to 16 percent among the eight categories:

  • Leadership and planning (+16), 90 percent to 74 percent
  • Corporate culture and communications (+15), 89 to 74 percent
  • Pay and benefits (+16), 90 to 74 percent
  • Training, development and resources (+13), 84 to 71 percent
  • Overall engagement (+12), 93 to 81 percent
  • Role satisfaction (+10), 91 to 81 percent
  • Work environment (+8), 90 to 82 percentRelationship with supervisor (+7), 92 to 85 percent

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