FREE One-on-One Business Advising at the Hub!

Sarah Kearns, consultant with the Vermont Small Business Development Center (VTSBDC), will be holding office hours in the Innovation Hub on most Fridays in March from 10am-noon. If you are an early stage entrepreneur, or even just kicking around an idea, come on by!  Sarah has been working with student entrepreneurs for several years at Middlebury and across the state!  She has […]…Continue Reading FREE One-on-One Business Advising at the Hub!

MiddChallenge Apps Due March 12

MiddChallenge 2018 applications are live! This is the Innovation Hub’s annual pitch competition, in which students have the opportunity to win up to $3,000 to work on their ideas over the summer. Applications for the pitch competition will be accepted until Monday, March 12th. Students will choose to apply to one of four different categories (Business and Technology, Arts, […]…Continue Reading MiddChallenge Apps Due March 12