Recently, there have been a rash of people (myself included) accidently cancelling events. Here is a description of why this so easily can happen, and how to avoid falling into the trap.

If you have an Iphone and you use the Outlook app for IOS, Microsoft has added a “feature” : when you receive an email (not a calendar invitation) that contains a date and time, it automatically turns the date and time into a link. When you click on the link, it asks “Do you want to create an event?” and if you say yes, it puts the event on your calendar, which itself is great, BUT, it sends invitations from you to everyone who received the original email. When your phone then starts exploding with “out of office” and can’t deliver messages, you cancel the event on your calendar to stop the onslaught, which sends a cancellation to everyone who received the original email. There is no warning that this is what is going to happen.

So, although it is very tempting to create a calendar event by clicking on a link in an email, please be sure that you want to invite all of the recipients before you do!