Start the New Year off Right

The year’s end is a perfect opportunity to check in with yourself and take stock of what’s going well, where you might want to make changes, and what you’d like to see for yourself in the future. The following tips may be helpful:

Take time to reflect-without judgment. Instead of berating yourself for anything you didn’t do, simply look at what happened-what didn’t work and why? Consider what you learned and how you’ll use that info going forward.

Get specific. “Next actions” are single steps to take, whereas to-dos are often multi-layered and therefore can be overwhelming. For example, the single step “break down boxes in garage” may seem much more manageable than “clean out the garage.” Be sure to attach time frames to each action step-deadlines increase the likelihood of following-through.

Plan ahead. If we don’t plan, things typically don’t happen. Once you’ve created your action steps, take out your phone or calendar and plug in times to do them. You’ll be much more likely to follow through if they’re slotted in

Identify resources. Goals are often easier to achieve when we have some external support. This could include “people resources” such as supervisors, counselors, coaches, family and friends, or technical resources such as classes, trainings, and hands-on opportunities.   

Tune in to your values.  Identify the things that are most important to you, personally and/or professionally. Write them down and then narrow the list to your top three. Consider why these things are so meaningful and how making more room for them in your daily life-or not-will impact you.

Attend the webinar. This month be sure to register and attend the webinar, “Holiday Budgeting.” Not everything about the holidays goes as planned, but if we learn to stick to a budget, we can eliminate the stress of post-holiday financial surprises. A full description and registration information is listed in the sidebar to the right. If you’re unable to attend at any of the times, log on to the website at a later time to view the archived presentation.

PDF files of the monthly newsletter and posters will be available for download on the 1st of the month by logging onto the website and clicking on “Monthly Bulletins” on the home page.

Free Monthly Webinar:

Winter Wellness

Thursday, December 21st

12-1 p.mand 3-4 p.m. EST


9-10 a.m. and 12-1 p.m. PST

Winter is the time of the year when we are more prone to catching a cold or the flu. This seminar will teach participants about the immune system, ways to combat winter illnesses, and strategies for staying healthy all year long.


Space is limited.

  • Click on the time you would like to attend from the selections listed above.
  • Or click on “UPCOMING WEBINARS” from the homepage of the website and follow the easy instructions.

Unable to make it to the scheduled webinars? 

We have them archived for your convenience. Log onto the website and click on E4 University at the bottom of the home page, then click on Webinars to search by webinar title.

e4health administers the College’s EFAP program.  To access their comprehensive web site, with many tools and articles, go to the e4health web site.
Username:  middlebury college
Password:    guest
Or call them at: 800-828-6025
(phones are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)