Going Abroad ThisYear? Planning to go through the Health Professions Committee?

Are you planning to go through the Health Professions Committee (HPC) this coming year (2019-2020), but will be abroad? If so, we wanted to connect with you now to remind you that HPC deadlines begin in the FALL. Top 6 Things to Remember: Email us as soon as possible to let us know you will […]…Continue Reading Going Abroad ThisYear? Planning to go through the Health Professions Committee?

Blog Posts from the Office of Digital Learning: Reimagining the Syllabus, Discussing Discussions, Subjectivity, Rubrics, and Critical Pedagogy, Digital Pedagogy Lab 2017, Plurilingualism and the Digital, and More!

Check out the latest blog posts from the Office of Digital Learning: Reimagining the Syllabus by Sean Michael Morris Discussing Discussions by Sean Michael Morris Notes from the Road: Digital Pedagogy Lab 2017 by… Read More Continue Reading Blog Posts from the Office of Digital Learning: Reimagining the Syllabus, Discussing Discussions, Subjectivity, Rubrics, and Critical Pedagogy, Digital Pedagogy Lab 2017, Plurilingualism and the Digital, and More!

Senator Leahy’s Annual Women’s Economic Opportunity Conference

You are invited to Senator Leahy’s 21st Annual Women’s Economic Opportunity Conference! The 2017 conference includes a keynote address by Mary Alice McKenzie, former director of the Boys and Girls Club in Burlington, and workshops hosted by Vermont presenters. This year’s conference will also highlight the work of Change The Story VT through workshops and […]…Continue Reading Senator Leahy’s Annual Women’s Economic Opportunity Conference

Don’t Panic, Liberal Arts Majors. The Tech World Wants You.

“According to both Anders and Stross, the ever-expanding tech sector is now producing career opportunities in fields — project management, recruitment, human relations, branding, data analysis, market research, design, fund-raising and sourcing, to name some — that specifically require the skills taught in the humanities. To thrive in these areas, one must be able to […]…Continue Reading Don’t Panic, Liberal Arts Majors. The Tech World Wants You.