Since 2001, the Page One Literacy Project has worked closely with Addison County elementary schools to provide after-school reading programs and seasonal events focused on promoting literacy.  Small groups of volunteers design their own programs, engaging with students through reading, crafts, games, and other activities to inspire a love of reading and learning.  Our partnerships with local schools help build relationships between the College and the community, and our enthusiastic volunteers are positive role models who show the importance of education and give students something to aspire to, just as our founder, Bonnie Greenwald McCardell, envisioned while her husband, John McCardell, was President of the College.

To learn more about Page One’s mission, positive impact on Addison County, after-school programs, and one-time events, check out our Facebook page and our website (go/Page1) or email us at  We look forward to having you join our team of passionate Midd Kids making a difference in our community!

-Conner M. Gilbert ’19