Sister-to-Sister aims to support middle school girls in the area. We get together with the girls in an informal and comfortable environment and discuss common issues including school, body image, peer pressure and relationships. We act as a support system for the girls, and host monthly events such as log rolling, zumba and game night.

What are some of your favorite STS memories?

We had a body positivity and spa night that was really great, the girls were so open to discussing hard topics, and then we all got to treat ourselves to facials and manicures! I loved our science night, when some chemistry professors put together science experiments for the girls to do, and they were all so animated. They knew all the answers to all of the questions. We were all so impressed!

What does STS mean to you?

I joined STS to get more involved in the community and at Chellis House, but over the years it has become so much more than an extracurricular activity. I’ve loved getting to know both the older and younger sisters!

– Natalie Cheung ‘18


What are some of your favorite STS memories?

When we talked about stereotypes and gender roles at the summit with the feminist club. Our movie night when we ate popcorn and watched Despicable Me.

What does STS mean to you?

New friends, exciting activities and community bonding!



What are some of your favorite STS memories?

Spa night where we first had a really cool discussion with Everybody, played love tag (I still have my sticky notes) and hung out in chellis, did face masks and nails!!

What does STS mean to you?


-Muriel Lavallee ‘18


What are some of your favorite STS memories?

Bonding and building lasting relationships with the younger girls as well as other college-aged peers. Seeing everyone in such a relaxed, joyous setting and breaking down the barriers between our academic/campus orientated lives and the broader community. Hearing the truly genuine and meaningful insights and concerns the girls share – both young and old, as I have gained so much from both. One of my favorite memories was at the end of this summit this year as Karin was showing the photos she had taken throughout the event. I watched the girls eyes light up in laughter as they shouted out each others names as each photo came up. I sat at the back with one girl licking the extra homemade icing out of the bowl and we shared how much we just love cupcakes and icing and all the little tricks we do when decorating or baking. I loved seeing how similar we were and how excited she was to share all the little things she loves to do, which sometimes you lose track of when caught up in college work. It has shown me the value and importance of youthful wonder.

What does STS mean to you?




What are some of your favorite STS memories?

Spa Night was so much fun – just talking to the girls and getting to know them while doing their nails was a really cool way to connect. I loved the exercise we did that night with Every Body where we wrote nice little notes about what we liked about each other – not only was it good for the girls, but I also thought it was good for us too! I have my notes up on my wall where I can look at them everyday.

What does STS mean to you?

I love that we get to connect with the middle school girls because it provides them with positive role models, but I also love it for us, too – hanging out with these girls is such a nice way to decompress and let go of all the stress that college can bring and just have fun like a middle schooler again.

– Caroline Harrison ‘20