A few months ago, the library subscribed to EBSCO e-books. You can search for them here, or in the library catalog, or if you do a Summon search and one of these more than 157,000 books has content connected to your search term, Summon will lead you to the book. Then what? Below is a […]…Continue Reading EBSCO E-books – how-to
Month: April 2017
“NExit” …Or, RIP NExpress
Beginning May 1st, all library resources not available locally may be requested via Interlibrary Loan using ILLiad at: go.middlebury.edu/ill Or, use the ILL links in Worldcat: Requesting through NExpress will be unavailable after April 30th 2017. The Library continues to work with our former NExpress partners via ILL. If a requested item is owned by […]…Continue Reading “NExit” …Or, RIP NExpress
Spring Student Symposium We invite all members of the Middlebury College community, guests, and members of the public to join us in celebrating the academic and creative endeavors of Middlebury students. The symposium… Read More →…Continue Reading JOIN US FOR THE 11TH ANNUAL SPRING STUDENT SYMPOSIUM ON FRIDAY 4/21
ACTT Notes: April 4, 2017
Language School Orientations It is that time of year again! In this meeting we will be going over the orientation sessions for Language Schools and Bread Loaf. Language pledge. Each school interprets the pledge slightly differently. Hospital, Helpdesk, and Reference…
“State of Marriage” Film Screening
On Wed., April 19th at 4:30pm in Dana Auditorium, Middlebury College Special Collections & Archives will host the first Addison
Weekly Web Updates – April 10, 2017
Updates Drupal colorbox 7.x-2.13 Drupal views 7.x-3.16 Drupal views_data_export 7.x-3.2 WordPress Co-Authors Plus 3.2.2 WordPress Duplicate Post 3.2 WordPress Hueman theme 3.3.8 WordPress Jetpack 4.7.1 WordPress NextGEN Gallery 2.2.3 WordPress Search Everything 8.1.9 WordPress WP Custom Fields Search 0.3.28 Fixes and Tweaks The Classifieds site was taking too long to sync accounts, causing some people […]…Continue Reading Weekly Web Updates – April 10, 2017
Will Nash receives funding to participate in NEH Summer Institute
William Nash (American Studies, English & American Literatures) has been awarded a grant to participate in a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute titled Making Modernism: Literature and Culture in Twentieth-Century Chicago,… Read More →…Continue Reading Will Nash receives funding to participate in NEH Summer Institute