The Course Hub now includes sites for the Middlebury Schools Abroad.

We’re continuing to investigate an issue where some members of groups are dropped from Course Hub sites when the sync process runs around midnight. We’ve stopped syncing the Hub during this window and bypassing the errors, but are still searching for the underlying cause of the issue.


Fixes and Tweaks

  • We’ve added a clean print stylesheet to the Commencement schedule page.
  • The Students list on the Davis UWC website is now cached for an hour, which should make it load more quickly for returning visitors.
  • The Facebook and Twitter icons on the New England Review site are no longer loaded through separate requests to the server, which prevents the site from occasionally hanging and taking ten seconds to load.
  • Profile photos on the Middlebury site will now load smaller versions of the image, preventing very large original images from slowing down page loads. These new thumbnail versions are larger than the displayed proportions of the profile images, so you should not notice any visible difference.

Ongoing Work

  • Creating a new website for the Middlebury Institute of International Studies.
  • Building out the configuration of our Omeka, and CAS servers in Chef, which is a configuration management system. We have already completed this work for our Drupal, WordPress, MediaWiki, GO, and the Course Catalog services.
  • Upgrading the Drupal sites for the Davis programs, Dining Menus, and Museum of Art to Drupal 8.
  • Integrating Panopto (streaming videos) and Canvas (LMS).