The Course Hub now offers the Academic Integrity Tutorial as a shared Canvas resource which can be added to courses by the instructors.

We discovered an issue with the Course Hub communicating with WordPress through the newer version of CAS and delayed the CAS upgrade announced last week until we’re able to resolve or work around the problem.


Fixes and Tweaks

  • Fixed and issue that was preventing Canvas rosters for MIIS spring classes from updating in a timely fashion.

Ongoing Work

  • Creating a new website for the Middlebury Institute of International Studies.
  • Building out the configuration of our Omeka, and CAS servers in Chef, which is a configuration management system. We have already completed this work for our Drupal, WordPress, MediaWiki, GO, and the Course Catalog services.
  • Upgrading the Drupal sites for the Davis programs, Dining Menus, and Museum of Art to Drupal 8.
  • Integrating Panopto (streaming videos) and Canvas (LMS).
  • Providing Course Hub access for Schools Abroad courses.