Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Upcoming Webinar Sept 23

The CLS application is now open! To learn more about the program and application, you can join the webinar scheduled on Friday, September 23rd, 3pm EST- Wednesday- General CLS Informational Webinar w/alumna Noelle Little. This will be a general ‘launch’ webinar explaining the goals of the program, highlighting resources available  and providing some tips for applicants. […]…Continue Reading Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Upcoming Webinar Sept 23

BLOG POSTS FROM THE OFFICE OF DIGITAL LEARNING: Digital tools, MiddCreate, Instructional Design, Working Across Distance

Check out the latest blog posts from the Office of Digital Learning: Bringing digital humanities tools to your classroom Announcing MiddCreate Best feet forward: Instructional Designers as pedagogical consultants Working across distance – Amy’s view Want to receive blog updates in your inbox? Subscribe to our blog by scrolling to the bottom of our website and […]…Continue Reading BLOG POSTS FROM THE OFFICE OF DIGITAL LEARNING: Digital tools, MiddCreate, Instructional Design, Working Across Distance

MiddPoints Newsletter Schedule

One of the major changes that we’ve implemented as we introduced the revitalized MiddPoints newsletter is the frequency of publication. We are now sending out a newsletter every other Wednesday, as opposed to every Monday. In an effort to facilitate the community’s efforts to share time sensitive items, here is the list of 2016 distribution […]…Continue Reading MiddPoints Newsletter Schedule

CTLR Staffing Announcement

The Center for Teaching, Learning & Research would like to share a number of staffing updates. First, Jennifer Bates, previously a professional writing tutor, is now working full-time during the fall and spring semesters as a Learning Resources Specialist and Professional Writing Tutor.  Second, Kristy Golubiewski-Davis is the Digital Liberal Arts Initiative’s new postdoctoral fellow.  […]…Continue Reading CTLR Staffing Announcement