Weekly Web Updates – September 26, 2016

Updates Drupal entity 7.x-1.8 Drupal entityreference 7.x-1.2 Drupal views_data_export 7.x-3.0 and 7.x-3.1 WordPress Hueman theme 3.2.4 WordPress WPtouch 4.2.6 Fixes and Tweaks The Bread Loaf School of English site has a new header. Fixed an issue that was preventing the group permissions dialog from working on Drupal Webform “who can view data submitted to this […]…Continue Reading Weekly Web Updates – September 26, 2016

Self-Service Reservations for Group Studies and Video Viewing Rooms

Now available at the Davis Family Library for Middlebury students, faculty and staff!  Make your own reservations for group studies and video viewing rooms. It’s easy to see pre-existing reservations, pick a time, and even cancel if necessary — all online. View policies and make reservations at: go.middlebury.edu/libgroupstudy: Group studies on lower level go.middlebury.edu/libvideoroom: Video viewing rooms […]…Continue Reading Self-Service Reservations for Group Studies and Video Viewing Rooms

Grant Opportunities for Innovative Ideas! Attend the FFI information session!

Do you have an innovative project or idea? Then come to the Fund for Innovation (FFI) information session Friday, September 30th from 12:15pm-1:30pm in Axinn 229! The FFI seeks to fund the unconventional and experimental, and projects must somehow tie back into the Middlebury experience. You can find out more about the FFI’s background, mission, […]…Continue Reading Grant Opportunities for Innovative Ideas! Attend the FFI information session!