Midd/MIIS Travelers

The following employees have reported upcoming travel between Midd and MIIS: From Midd to MIIS   From MIIS to Midd Orion Lewis, Faculty Amy McGill, Integration Oct 7 – 11 Sept 26-29 Jessica Teets, Faculty Oct 7 – 11 Dan Stearns, Facilities Oct 17 – 28 Mike Moore, Facilities Oct 17 – 28 LeRoy Graham, […]…Continue Reading Midd/MIIS Travelers

Openness without penalty: The cornerstone of the creative student/classroom/university, with guest speaker Adam Croom

Adam Croom is the Director of Digital Learning and an instructor in the College of Journalism of Mass Communication at the University of Oklahoma. In this talk, Adam will narrate how he leverages the technology of the open web to stimulate his students’ learning and personal growth, and to catalyze creativity in his classroom. Adam’s course […]…Continue Reading Openness without penalty: The cornerstone of the creative student/classroom/university, with guest speaker Adam Croom

Dental Plan Summary and Oral Health Integration Plan: Hot off the Press!

Below please find a link to the the Cigna version of Middlebury’s dental benefit plan summary. As you will see the covered services, both in- and out-of-network, are nearly identical to what we have now with CBA Blue.  However, there is one substantial difference.  On Cigna’s recommendation Middlebury has added an “Oral Health Integration Program” (2nd […]…Continue Reading Dental Plan Summary and Oral Health Integration Plan: Hot off the Press!

Language Schools Thank Midd Staff for another Successful Summer!

Each year a myriad of staff colleagues from departments outside of the Language Schools play integral roles in preparing for our summer programs by providing countless services during the sessions and in supporting the Schools as our academic year comes to a close. The Language School Administration is deeply grateful to all the staff members, […]…Continue Reading Language Schools Thank Midd Staff for another Successful Summer!

ILLiad Web pages down for ILLiad Upgrade

The ILLiad web pages will be down from 9:00 am today while we upgrade the ILLiad software to v8.7.  The ILL web site will be inaccessible for only a short time, assuming all goes well with the update. If anyone has problems after 2:00 pm please contact Rachel Manning at x5498 or rmanning@middlebury.edu for assistance….Continue Reading ILLiad Web pages down for ILLiad Upgrade

Going to Middlebury or Monterey? We have hotel rates for you!

Middlebury has negotiated rates with local hotels in Monterey and Middlebury. When booking business travel to either location, please refer to the purchasing website which has information on the current rates. At Monterey, please stay at these hotels only as the rates are based on volume. You can also see information on car rentals on […]…Continue Reading Going to Middlebury or Monterey? We have hotel rates for you!