Marshall Scholarship Updates

For those working on Marshall applications for the Fall 2016 cycle, below are some points to review carefully. Yes, it’s detailed and dense, but that’s all part of working through the application process!  The FAQ’s can be found The Commission emphasizes that in appointing Scholars the selectors will look for candidates who have the potential […]…Continue Reading Marshall Scholarship Updates

Is Trump More Honest Than Hillary?

The latest Quinnipiac nationwide survey of registered voters has Hillary Clinton holding a slight lead over Donald Trump, 45%-41% (margin of error of +/- 2.5%). That’s consistent with the polling averages at Huffington Post, which have Clinton up 42.7%-40.8%, and at RealClearPolitics, which has Clinton leading Trump 44%-42.5%.  Of course, as I’ve noted before, head-to-head […]…Continue Reading Is Trump More Honest Than Hillary?