@MiddInfoSec: Preventing Device Theft

With an increasing amount of storage space and institutional connectivity on personal devices, the value and mobility of smartphones, tablets, and laptops make them appealing and easy targets. These simple tips will help you protect against and prepare for the potential loss or theft of a laptop or mobile device. Don’t leave your device alone, […]…Continue Reading @MiddInfoSec: Preventing Device Theft

Moodle Maintenance: May 20, 2016 at 1am

From our Moodle host: In order to ensure complete patching of OpenSSL the following site will be placed in maintenance mode, then rebooted during the listed maintenance window. These patches have already been applied to the front end SSL for your site, but the reboot is a requirement for all services to run the fully […]…Continue Reading Moodle Maintenance: May 20, 2016 at 1am