ACTT In-Progress Project Presentations for RStudio Server and the Academic Cyberinfrastructure Inventory

Tuesday, April 12th from 3-4pm LIB 105A or Polycom 712833 The new ACT Team process includes in-progress project presentations. These presentations are meant to inform the community about how things are going, what has been done and what still needs

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Middlebury’s Google Apps for Education – Account status

As we continue to integrate Middlebury services with cloud providers like Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365, we are aware of possible account conflicts that may arise. In particular, on Monday, April 25th, we will begin automatically syncing Middlebury Google Apps accounts for all students, faculty and staff with or addresses. This may […]…Continue Reading Middlebury’s Google Apps for Education – Account status

Welcome to “Self-Service” Software Installation

ITS has been working on options for our customers to install licensed software on their college-owned computers using convenient, “self-service” methods that provide control over when the installations take place. (We are not licensed to provide software on personally owned computers, only college owned.)  To learn how this works on college Windows computers, please visit […]…Continue Reading Welcome to “Self-Service” Software Installation