Weekly Web Updates – February 29, 2016

Updates Drupal 7.43 Omeka Neatline 2.5.1 Omeka NeatlineTime 2.1.0 Omeka Search by Metadata 1.2.1 WordPress Accelerate theme 1.2.4 WordPress Ari theme 1.2 WordPress Feedburner Email Widget 1.2.0 WordPress FT Calendar 1.5 WordPress p2 theme 1.5.8 WordPress Responsive theme WordPress ShareThis 7.3 Fixes & Tweaks The MIIS Course Hub now has a print stylesheet so […]…Continue Reading Weekly Web Updates – February 29, 2016

As Vermont Goes, So Goes Kasich?

John Kasich took his long-shot campaign north to Vermont today in anticipation of this state’s Super Tuesday primary tomorrow, and your intrepid blogger battled moderate temperatures and fields of solar panels to give you this report: We arrived at the Castleton University Campus Center about 15 minutes prior to Kasich’s scheduled 11:30 a.m. talk and […]…Continue Reading As Vermont Goes, So Goes Kasich?

2016 Spring Student Symposium Application Deadline Friday, March 4

Join the symposium for our 10th year of celebrating the academic and creative endeavors of Middlebury students! The 2016 Spring Student Symposium will take place all day Friday, April 15, with presentations of student work across the disciplines in McCardell Bicentennial Hall. Students from all four years and all departments and programs are invited to […]…Continue Reading 2016 Spring Student Symposium Application Deadline Friday, March 4


WEBINAR: MONEY BASICS – SPENDING, BORROWING, & SAVING (Mar. 8th) Can’t reach your financial goals? Having a hard time with your credit report and credit score? Come along with us to gain the knowledge you need for better finances. We can help you create a realistic spending plan to achieve your financial goals; moreover, you’ll […]…Continue Reading From MSA: MARCH FINANCIAL WELLNESS NEWSLETTER

March EFAP News: Helping Children Develop Healthy Interests

e4health, Formerly LifeScope March 2016 Newsletter: Helping Children Develop Healthy Interests featured article: Why You Should Encourage Outdoor and Unstructured Playtime for Kids Baby boomers grew up in an era engrained in outdoor and unstructured playing. Kids in small towns left their homes in the morning, played with friends until lunch, grabbed food at their […]…Continue Reading March EFAP News: Helping Children Develop Healthy Interests