Summer Science Research in US or Japan as an Amgen Scholar

Now approaching its tenth summer, the Amgen Scholars Program continues to offer undergraduates the opportunity to collaborate with faculty at top institutions–including Harvard, Columbia, MIT, Stanford, and others in the US and Japan–on cutting-edge scientific research. Applications for the 2016 Amgen Scholars Program in the U.S. and Japan are now online. Note that applicants do […]…Continue Reading Summer Science Research in US or Japan as an Amgen Scholar

Summer Research Challenge at Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL)

Oak Ridge National Laboratories, located in Tennessee, offers multiple summer research opportunities for undergraduates. See their program information online at The lab is managed by the Department of Energy and focuses on global and national energy and environmental issues and the “development of new energy sources, technologies, and materials and the advancement of knowledge […]…Continue Reading Summer Research Challenge at Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL)

Paid Summer Research Opp in DC or Boulder (NIST)- Midd deadline Jan. 15

NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) “Spend part of your summer working elbow to elbow with researchers at one of the world’s leading research organizations and home to four Nobel Prize winners.” The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Gaithersburg, MD is offering a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program for students majoring in science, […]…Continue Reading Paid Summer Research Opp in DC or Boulder (NIST)- Midd deadline Jan. 15

Weekly Web Updates – December 7, 2015

We’ve launched two new static micro-sites. The coding and design for these was done by our Office of Communications & Marketing with ITS handling the deployment and configuration on our servers. The first is a viewbook for MIIS and the second is information about the Shakespeare First Folio events. All existing Omeka sites now use […]…Continue Reading Weekly Web Updates – December 7, 2015

Notes from the Campaign Trail: Why Won’t These Candidates Quit?

Two nights ago the Vermont and New Hampshire Republican Party county committees held a joint fundraiser in Lebanon, N.H. featuring many of the Republican presidential candidates or their representatives and, as part of my ongoing series chronicling the presidential campaign, your intrepid blogger shelled out $35 to attend the candidate forum. Since the event was […]…Continue Reading Notes from the Campaign Trail: Why Won’t These Candidates Quit?