Google Analytics for Higher Education Workshop on October 28, 2015

I’ll be hosting a workshop to discuss how you can use Google Analytics to get information about and improve the Middlebury website. You can sign up for the workshop on Wednesday October 28 from 1:00-2:30pm in MBH 161. Registration is limited to 10 persons to ensure there will be adequate time to answer your individual […]…Continue Reading Google Analytics for Higher Education Workshop on October 28, 2015

Middlebury Security Alert for iOS Users

Middlebury ITS Information Security is currently investigating indications that members of the Middlebury community are using iOS apps infected with the recently discovered XCodeGhost malware. XCodeGhost-infected apps can potentially steal private information and even launch phony authentication dialogues that can be used to attempt to steal usernames and passwords. Despite this capability, no information has […]…Continue Reading Middlebury Security Alert for iOS Users