You may have noted some withdrawal work going on the D-F ranges lately. Collections Management and Circulation Services are working together to remove multiple copies with very low circulation, in order to recover some badly needed space for routine stacks operations. In D and E, many shelves are completely full, with the remainder overcrowded. In F, many shelves are overcrowded, and all three ranges are strong growth areas.

Overall, 5.1% of the items in those three ranges are being withdrawn as multiple copies with low usage. Further ranges to be analyzed and weeded are JC-JV, K, P-PC, and PN. Duplicate items with any significant usage (more than 5 combined checkouts and renewals) are being retained, and in the process checked for condition. In all cases where items are withdrawn, the copy in better condition is retained.

Please note that no titles are being withdrawn entirely. Overall bibliographic coverage will not be affected; nor will the EAST data or programmatic weeding to be done later.