Last week we launched a “new” website for Sustainability. New is in quotes because, while much of the content was updated and it features a new, responsive design, it’s still in the same Drupal site that it used to be. We are very happy that we were able to do this “in-place” update of the site. Among its new features are a content type for events (which we’ll be rolling out to other areas of the site) and a custom tagging vocabulary with themed tag pages. The Sustainability tags can be added to any “Basic Content”, “News”, or “Event” node in the site, but only by one of the editors of the Sustainability site or the Communications department.
New Features
The Middlebury Drupal site’s WYSIWYG editor now has a button for the abbr element. Use this to add explanations for abbreviations you put in your text.
You can now enable the “Pinterest Board Shortcode” plugin on any WordPress site to embed Pinterest boards. Here are a few examples.
- Drupal addressfield 7.x-1.2
- Drupal colorbox 7.x-2.10
- Drupal modernizr 7.x-3.7
- Drupal twitter 7.x-5.11
- WordPress Accelerate theme 1.2.1
- WordPress Post Types Order 1.8.5
- WordPress qTranslate-X 3.4.6
- WordPress RokoPhoto Lite theme 1.1
- WordPress WP Display Header 3
- WordPress WPtouch 3.8.8
Fixes and Tweaks
- The “equalizer” or “waveform” bars will no longer open automatically on interior pages of the site when there is only one featured story.
- The “ shortlinks” feature of the Jetpack plugin is no longer available on our WordPress sites. This created an external dependency on getting to our sites and caused problems when site URLs were changed. All existing shortlinks will continue to work. If you need a shortlink for a particular post, consider creating a GO shortcut.
- The “print” button has been removed from the WYSIWYG editor on the Middlebury Drupal site to make space for the “abbr” button.
- Fixed an issue where the Drupal user-sync process in the Course Hub was not properly importing additional data about users (FirstName, LastName, etc) and in turn was preventing the Hub from properly creating new user-accounts.
- Fixed an name-collision issue in Drupal where users who accidentally get a new identifier in Banner were not able to have accounts created in Drupal sites associated with their new ID.