Drupal Webform Update

We’re now on version 7.x-4.8 of webform for both the Middlebury and MIIS forms sites. Here are the new features in this release:

  1. Conditionals can now act on more than one component with the same rule.
  2. Conditionals can now make components required/optional and set component values, in addition to hiding/showing them.
  3. Tokens may now be used to set the file component upload directory, as well as create a pattern to rename each uploaded file.
  4. Grid components support a right-side header to create semantic-differential survey questions.
  5. Result analysis can now be customized with views, including creating exposed filters.
  6. Email addresses now support long-format names, such as "First Last" <flast@example.com>.
  7. The confirmation message may now be shown within the webform block, if desired.
  8. In addition to the first-saved timestamp, webform now tracks the first completed (not draft) and last modified timestamp.
  9. Submissions may be downloaded by date range, both via the user interface and drush.
  10. Numeric submission data may now be properly formatted, filtered, and sorted with views.
  11. The day/month/year may be made optional in date components.
  12. Time components may have a start and end time, including “over midnight” ranges, such as 10pm-3am.
  13. Date and time components only show options that fall within the start and end date/times.
  14. Anonymous users may submit Webforms confidentially, without their IP address being recorded.
  15. Multi-page drafts are now resumed where the user left off, rather than on page 1.
  16. The html5 required attribute is used on required components, providing in-browser validation.

Other Updates

Library Guides

Thanks to a suggestion, creation of the dropdown lists, and testing from Bryan Carson, the Library Quick Search feature on the Library site now features a selection of subject and course guides under the “Guides” tab.

Fixes and Tweaks

  • The link to the BLWC site on the Middlebury homepage is once again plural in reference to the conferences.
  • Elements of the MIIS global design are now rendered via Drupal’s block system, which we’ve been using for the Middlebury site since the upgrade to Drupal 7. This allows us to mix-and-match which elements show up without having to create a new theme and is part of the work we’re doing to port the Course Hubs to Drupal 7.
  • A number of programming errors that were preventing the Podcasting and Visual Links WordPress plugins from working on our sites have been corrected.
  • The “waveform” feature was not being displayed at the top of the Admissions site, but is now back in place.
  • The stylesheeets for the AD Group Manager are now loaded from the central CDN rather than the older “web” server, in preparation of retiring that machine.