Why Mitt Will Run In 2016…Oh, Never Mind!

Earlier today, Mitt Romney announced, in a phone conversation with potential supporters, that he will not run for president in 2016, thus confirming what pundits had been predicting for some months now.  Or not. To me, Mitt’s announcement was not nearly as entertaining as the media reaction to it. Since at least Romney’s visit to […]…Continue Reading Why Mitt Will Run In 2016…Oh, Never Mind!

Free Federal Tax Filing Support from our Employee Family Assistance Program

Prepare, Print, and E-File Your Federal Tax Return For Free- TAXACT MAKES TAX PREPARATION LESS TAXING! For the 2014 tax preparation season, your LifeScope website offers you and your family TaxACT – an online tool for easy tax preparation and filing. … Continue reading Continue Reading Free Federal Tax Filing Support from our Employee Family Assistance Program

Friday links – Jan. 30, 2015

Lepore, Jill. “The Cobweb: Can The Internet Be Archived?” The New Yorker, January 19, 2015. Good read about the Internet Archive and Wayback Machine. Forget Virtual Reality. Are You Ready for Virtual Sushi?- A small Los Angeles-based team of designers, engineers, and chefs have cooked up a “gastronomical virtual reality experience” that use head mounted […]…Continue Reading Friday links – Jan. 30, 2015