Queers and Allies (Q&A) is happy to announce that we will be hosting an LGBTQ faculty/staff/student lunch on Wednesday, January 28th from 12:45pm – 2:00pm in the LaForce Seminar Room (LAF 121). For those of you who haven’t joined us before, this is a great opportunity for LGBTQ-identified faculty and staff to connect with students outside their respective departments. This event is not catered, but you can easily grab food from Ross Dining Hall before walking over to the seminar room.
Q&A is Middlebury’s only LGBTQ student organization. If you’d like to join our mailing list for updates and announcements about LGBTQ-related events on campus (including future lunches!), please contact us at queersandallies@middlebury.edu or check out our website at https://sites.middlebury.edu/queersandallies/.