Greetings from the Equipment Room.

We have been asked by quite a few faculty and staff members the question, “How do I get a faculty/staff locker in the faculty/staff locker room”? Unfortunately, there is not an easy solution to get more people into an already full space. Historically, we have put people on our “wait list” and issued a locker when or if one became available. Some people have been fortunate enough to actually get into the faculty/staff locker room, but we still have quite a few people that are still waiting!

I have come up with a plan that will allow people who still want their lockers to keep them, and it should allow for access to the locker room for those currently without a locker.
As part of this process we will be changing the fees as well as the timing of the locker renewal process. We will be sending out the locker renewal notice soon. If you currently have a locker and you would like to renew the locker, please do so BEFORE September 30th. If you have a locker in the faculty/staff locker room the fee is going to be $20.00 annually . If you have a locker in the general locker room the fee will stay the same as it has been for years ($10.00). In addition, for those faculty and staff members who are unable to get a locker in the faculty/staff locker room, you may see either Bryan Merrill or Shelley Payne in the Equipment Room and you will be given the access code to the room. There will be a number of lockers we keep empty in each room which may be used as “day lockers”. In other words, you may bring your own lock, and use an open locker while you work out, and then empty the locker and leave it open for the next person when you are done with your workout.

I am sorry that we do not have enough lockers for everyone to have their own locker, but hopefully this is a suitable, if imperfect, solution.

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter and as always if you have questions or concerns please contact me.

Best regards,

Bryan T. Merrill

Equipment Manager
802-443-2371 (fax)