Invitation: Friends of International Students Host Program Information Meetings, Sept. 11 & 22

You’re invited to learn more about the Friends of International Students (FIS) Host Program at our upcoming information meetings. Dear Faculty and Staff– International Student & Scholar Services invites you to learn more about our Friends of International Students host … Continue reading Continue Reading Invitation: Friends of International Students Host Program Information Meetings, Sept. 11 & 22

Take Two, Drew! Linzer Unveils His Senate Forecast Model

Longtime readers will know that I was a big fan of Drew Linzer’s 2012 presidential forecast model contained at his Votamatic website, and not just because he was kind enough fly out here to give a talk to Middlebury students during the middle of the presidential campaign. Linzer’s model, you will recall, correctly predicted the […]…Continue Reading Take Two, Drew! Linzer Unveils His Senate Forecast Model