Community Engagement announces the 2014 Academic Outreach Endowment Grant Recipients 

Faculty Projects

 Telling Stories

Tara Affolter’s project will team students from her First Year Seminar, “Telling Stories: Identity Education and Power” with students from Deirdre Kelly’s class at the Parent Child Center, “The Power of Stories” to explore notions of story and counter-story.

Lyme Disease

In conjunction with the Vermont Department of Public Health, Dr. Grass, his staff, and student researchers plan to conduct tick surveys in Addison County.

Innovation Economy in Addison County

Students in Jon Isham’s “Environmental Economics” class collaborate with local organizations on projects related to food, energy, resources, and storytelling.

Cumbancha and Vermont

Students in Damascus Kafumbe’s J-term course will investigate how Cumbancha, a record label in Charlotte, has enhanced Vermont’s musical scene.

Philanthropy: Ethics & Practice

Students in the J-term course taught by Sarah Stroup and Steve Viner will  make grant(s) to charitable organizations totaling $10,000, provided by the Learning by Giving Foundation.


Student Projects

 Grassroots On-Site Work (GROW) with Gardens for Health International (GHI)

Hannah Geldermann ’16 and Molly McShane ’16.5 will be collaborating with GHI in Rwanda conducting soil research, working with community members, and further developing agricultural practices.

 Mapping Contestations

Jia Jun Lee ’15 aims to use colonial, government-issued, and indigenous maps to identify native land for the Penan people in Malaysia and to engage with the local community to produce participatory maps.