The Terran Computational Calendar – Synchronized with the northern winter solstice and the UNIX Epoch, the terran computational calendar contains 13 identical months of 28 days each in addition to a short Month Zero containing only new year’s day and a single leap year day every four years (with the exception of every 128 years). Why Facebook Acquiring Oculus Rift Is […]…Continue Reading Friday Links – April 4, 2014
Month: April 2014
Reminder: Summer Student Employment and Housing Agreements are due April 18!
If you are hiring a Midd student to work this summer, a Summer Student Employment and Housing Agreement must be submitted by April 18 (even if the student does not need on campus housing). If you are hiring a research … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Reminder: Summer Student Employment and Housing Agreements are due April 18!
Introduction to the Junos Pulse VPN client
We’re delighted to formally announce a significant enhancement to the College’s Virtual Private Network (VPN) service that offers a faster and more convenient way to establish a connection from off-campus to Middlebury’s network. The Junos Pulse client is available for a wide variety of computers and mobile devices that include: Macintosh, Windows, iOS (iphones, ipads), […] Continue reading →…Continue Reading Introduction to the Junos Pulse VPN client
Sunday morning maintenance
This Sunday morning between 7 and 11 am we will be upgrading our printing tracking solution Papercut to v14.1. Upgrading the server side components will take place first, this phase is expected to be completed by about 9 am. This will then be followed by site visits to the public printing release stations throughout the […]…Continue Reading Sunday morning maintenance
Sunday morning maintenance
This Sunday morning between 7 and 11 am we will be upgrading our printing tracking solution Papercut to v14.1. Upgrading the server side components will take place first, this phase is expected to be completed by about 9 am. This will then be followed by site visits to the public printing release stations throughout the…Continue Reading Sunday morning maintenance
Microsoft to end technical support for Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003
Microsoft will end support for the Windows XP operating system and Microsoft Office 2003 software on April 8. Microsoft will no longer release security updates or provide technical support for either product after this date. Both Windows XP and Office 2003 will continue to function, but computers running either product will become increasingly vulnerable to […] Continue reading →…Continue Reading Microsoft to end technical support for Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003