Hmmmm…it’s pretty snazzy looking but how do I know if I should I trust that infographic? Fast Company has some good tips here. (Spoiler alert: the article title is “Infographics Lie. Here’s How to Spot the B.S.”)
Interested in a story for everyone? Check out the Big History Project and “explore 13.7 billion years of shared history…”
Speaking of stories – the New York Times has compiled “2013: The Year in Interactive Storytelling” Be sure to scroll down to view the Explanatory Graphics section. You can learn about the Higgs Boson or untangle the fast choreography of a successful field goal on the football field.
How do the Digital Humanities translate to the classroom? The Chronicle spotlights UCLA and Emory in “How the Humanities Compute in the Classroom”.
How many times do people switch devices in an hour? Quite a few, according to a UK study.