Reserved Bike Sale Bikes

For those who were unable to attend the Bike Shop bike sale on Saturday, September 14, because of Yom Kippur observances, the bike shop would like you to know that a portion of the sale inventory was retained to provide an opportunity for those interested in purchasing a bike.  Email the bike shop <> to arrange a time to […]…Continue Reading Reserved Bike Sale Bikes

“Follow-Me Printing” now available! (Um, what does that mean?)

Follow-Me Printing allows you to print to a single virtual print queue, then go to any participating print release station to release your print job(s).   Presently, Follow-Me print jobs can be released from any of six different stations on campus; … Continue reading Continue Reading “Follow-Me Printing” now available! (Um, what does that mean?)

Maggie Clinton awarded grant from the Center for Chinese Studies

Maggie Clinton (History) has been awarded a grant from the Center for Chinese Studies in Taipei, Taiwan in support of her 2013-14 leave. The grant provides round-trip travel and support for three months in Spring 2014 at the Center, where she plans to conduct research and complete the manuscript for her book project Revolutionary Nativism: […]…Continue Reading Maggie Clinton awarded grant from the Center for Chinese Studies