August 2013 Social Media Stats

The following stats refer to activity on the Middlebury College Facebook page, the Middlebury College Twitter account, and share buttons on the main Middlebury College website. For trend comparison, the previous month’s statistics are included in parentheses, where appropriate. Facebook Insights 142 (148) new … Continue reading Continue Reading August 2013 Social Media Stats

August 2013 Web Stats

For trend comparison, the previous month’s statistics are included in parentheses. Traffic 312,603 (371,746) visits from 170,440 (198,853) people 36,085 (48,060) visits from 29,469 (36,711) people 22,714 (22,004) visits from 21,323 (20,619) people 16,396 (26,964) visits … Continue reading Continue Reading August 2013 Web Stats

Workshop Offering: Fundamentals of Project Management

Fundamentals of Project Management Date: Monday September 23, 2013 Time: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Location: Middlebury Campus – space TBD,  (morning food/beverage & lunch provided) Seating is Limited Register: contact  Instructor: Jennifer Mincar Are you tired of your projects coming in late or over budget?   Are you new to project management with minimal or […]…Continue Reading Workshop Offering: Fundamentals of Project Management