Present: Mike Roy, Carol Peddie, Terry Simpkins, Rebekah Irwin, Jim Stuart and Doreen Bernier

We had a general discussion about support for the new summer School of Environment.  Once the program is up and running, we will want to have a liaison assigned to it, like we do with the Language Schools and Bread Loaf programs.  Mike will talk with David Ludwig about possible background technology needs may be needed for program startup.

A few guests from St. Lawrence University will be coming to Middlebury on July 16. They are in the process of merging their library and IT organizations and would like to meet with us to hear about our experience.  Mike will contact them to see who specifically will be coming.

Jim proposed Sunday morning, Aug. 18 for the Middfiles cutover.  CSNS will request a 6 hour maintenance window to complete final sync.

Mike is working with other IT colleagues to discuss a project called Persuasive, a collaborative security assessment of ca. 6 college campuses.  A kick-off meeting at Williams College is being scheduled for early August, most likely on Aug. 6 or 8.

Upcoming Meeting Agendas

All Staff (July 17)

  • Communications Taskforce recommendations

  • Goals

  • Professional Development

Optional All Staff (July 18) – if there is interest

  • Follow-up to Web Helpdesk

Future Optional All Staff meetings – if interest

  • Goals – deep dive

  • Budget     review

September All Staff meeting

  • Review/intro to Gartner Research

Directors’ meeting

  • Office space with Space Team

  • Curricular Technology Team – review of membership/sponsorship

Thanks for reading!

Terry & Doreen