Divisional Faculty Advisory Groups meet once or twice per year to discuss library and technology issues and interests. Three groups met in the spring semester. Notes on their discussions are available on the LIS Advisors blog [shortcut: go/lisadvisors]. Here are the links:

Social Sciences
A few highlights: In response to the question, “Are there any specific instances where you were surprised by an LIS decision?” faculty talked about the e-textbook pilot and the Moodle launch. Lynda.com tutorials are useful! There is interest in LIS support for storing and streaming media, and for screencasting.

A few highlights: Faculty are preparing for the analog sunset, and they ask that for classrooms being upgraded and losing VCRs, we notify the faculty who are using those classrooms. Lynda.com tutorials are useful! There is interest in LIS support for storing and streaming media.

Arts and Humanities
A few highlights: Faculty noted that they use their liaisons for their own research needs as well as direct students to them, though they do think faculty can direct students more often to liaisons, and liaisons can do more to remind/encourage faculty about this. There is interest in LIS support for storing and streaming media.