Topic: Understanding Fair Use. Led by Kellam Ayres.
Who’s Invited: All liaisons, and anyone else who might be interested
Who’s “Required”: Primary liaisons, please try to attend if you can. Sorry in advance for any conflicts.
Where and when: Tuesday, July 9. 10:30-11:30 am. LIB 145.

Description: Want to learn how to confidently make Fair Use evaluations for copyrighted materials? I’ll walk you through the Four Factors and then show you a few online tools to help resolve even the trickiest questions. (This is a repeat of Kellam’s 2013 LIS In-Service presentation.)

“Liaison Discussion Section” meetings address research and/or technology topics of interest to liaisons. They can be conversations, or presentations, or both. They take place most often on the 3rd week of the month, but in order to allow people who work different hours to attend, they’re sometimes scheduled for different days/times.