Middlebury College Offers Annual College Counseling Workshop

Middlebury College will offer its free annual College Counseling Workshop, sponsored by the college’s admissions office, on Friday, June 7 , at McCardell Bicentennial Hall on Bicentennial Way off of College Street (Route 125). The event is open to the public — high school age children of Middlebury alumni, faculty, and staff are invited, as are […]…Continue Reading Middlebury College Offers Annual College Counseling Workshop

Now accepting nominations for Vermont Women in Higher Education Awards!

Each year, the Vermont Women in Higher Education presents three awards to outstanding women.  VWHE is pleased to accept nominations through June 7, 2013 for  the Sister Elizabeth Candon Award for Distinguished Service; the Jackie Gribbons Award for Leadership; and the Peggy R. Williams Emerging Professional Award. The Sister Elizabeth Candon Distinguished Service Award is presented to […]…Continue Reading Now accepting nominations for Vermont Women in Higher Education Awards!

April 2013 Social Media Stats

The following stats refer to activity on the Middlebury College Facebook page, the Middlebury College Twitter account, and share buttons on the main Middlebury College website. For trend comparison, the previous month’s statistics are included in parentheses, where appropriate. Facebook Insights 232 (326) new … Continue reading Continue Reading April 2013 Social Media Stats