Topic: Assessment. Led by Adela Langrock, Office of Planning and Assessment.
Who’s Invited: All liaisons and anyone who might be interested
Who’s “Required”: Primary liaisons, please try to attend if you can. Sorry in advance for any conflicts.
Where and when: Tuesday, March 12, 10-11 am. LIB 145.

Description: Adela will tell us what academic departments and programs been asked to do regarding assessment of student learning, share some examples of what departments have chosen to do, and discuss how assessment is a continuous process that should build over time. We’ll then share some ideas regarding how LIS staff can contribute to information literacy assessment efforts, both through our information literacy pilots and through our individual course-related workshops.
“Liaison Discussion Section” meetings address research and/or technology topics of interest to liaisons. They can be conversations, or presentations, or both. They take place most often on the 3rd week of the month, but in order to allow people who work different hours to attend, they’re sometimes scheduled for different days/times.