In this post we’ll introduce you to two new members of the Middlebury College staff who are working in Library and Information Services and Facilities Services. Please join us as we welcome Scott and Jeremiah  to campus!

Remick.Scott2Scott Remick kicked off 2013 by getting hired as the new Senior Technology Specialist on January 7. A long-time Middlebury-area resident and Vermont native, Scott has held two previous long-time positions in the computer and IT field. Currently living in Bristol, he also enjoys camping, travel, cooking, biking and doing theatre.


Lacrosse.Jeremiah.neo2Jeremiah LaCross joined the Facilities Services office this month as the new Safety and Regulatory Compliance Manager. Prior to joining the Facility Services team at Middlebury College, he spent seven years as the Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator at Pike Industries, Inc. Jeremiah and his wife, along with their 17 month old daughter report that they were very excited to move from New Hampshire back to Vermont when he was offered the position with the College. He really enjoys spending time with family and friends, golfing, fishing, skiing & hiking and tells us that he could not be happier to join the Middlebury College family.