Divisional Faculty Advisory Groups meet once or twice per year to discuss library and technology issues and interests. All four groups met in the fall semester. Notes on their discussions are available on the LIS Advisors blog [shortcut: go/lisadvisors]. Here are the links:

Social Sciences
A few highlights: Faculty shared their experiences with curricular and other technology support. Hats off to Kellam, who was praised for her Reserves work!

A few highlights: Faculty are interested in reviewing discipline-specific lists of journal subscriptions. Pros and cons of several options for data management were discussed. How best to get more input on faculty preferences? “Send us an email and keep following up if we don’t respond. This is important!”

Arts and Humanities
A few highlights: Faculty shared their answers to the question, “What do faculty most need to know from LIS?” After reviewing statistics on curricular technology use around campus, faculty discussed their continuing need for in-depth support.

A few highlights: Faculty learned about the two information literacy pilots in progress on campus. The long-term goal is to build out research and technology learning goals within each department. Faculty demonstrated special software that assists with essay grading.