LIS All Staff Meeting Notes

December 19, 2012

Mike noted that the R&R did not have awards for this month since nominations were light and reminded everyone to participate in the nomination process. For a link to the nomination form:

Mike announced that all the open replacement positions have been approved by the SRC.

Carol announced that Joe Antonioli will be assuming a newly created position as the Senior Curricular Innovation Specialist. In addition to serving as the head of LIS’ curricular technology program, Joe will work closely with Shel Sax, Director of Educational Technology, and will co-lead the liaison program with Carrie Macfarlane

Carrie Macfarlane introduced Kristina Simmons who will be working on a part-time basis for Research and Instruction.

Mike then introduced Tim Spears and James Davis who came to discuss the “cost and relevance” of what it means to be a liberal arts college in the 21st century.  Tim and James have been talking to faculty and will extend discussion to staff and students in the spring.

November 28. 2012

Mike presented the Media Services Group with this month’s Crew of the Month Award.  Congratulations to Petar Mitrevski, Scott Witt, Stewart Lane, Charlie Conway and Danielle Madison.

Petar Mitrevski presented the Employee of the Month award to Danielle Madison.

Mike presented the draft staffing plan:

Aline Germain-Rutherford joined the group and gave a detailed presentation on Middlebury Interactive Languages (MIL), which provides online languages courses to pre-college students.  Click here for more information on MIL: