Our regular recap of goings on at the College and a look ahead to events on the horizon. As always, we hope to call your attention to items that captured ours and alert you to events that you won’t want to miss. If you have a news item that you think we’d be interested in, drop us a line at middmag@middlebury.edu.

  • That’s how we roll, baby! In what was reportedly the first such intercollegiate competition in the U.S., Middlebury log rollers peeled Skidmore 6-1 last week. Yes, the sport brought to Middlebury by the Hoeschler family of world-class log rollers (who also brought the logs), Lizzie ’04, Kate ’05, and Abby ’10, has gained traction at Skidmore thanks to brother Will Hoeschler ’14, who for some reason goes there. (He was the “1” in the 6-1).  Danielle Rougeau, Middlebury’s Assistant Curator of Special Collections and Archives, coaches the group, teaches a packed J-term rolling class, and announces, “Competition was our final criterion to be considered a club sport.”
  • What Middlebury alumnus was the first African American college professor and college president? When was Middlebury’s student newspaper first dubbed The Campus? Under which president was the study of German introduced? (Hint: looks as if he shaved his chin but not his neck). Interesting info awaits you at the latest online selection from the digital archives, 1800-1916.
  • Get your carol on! The traditional Lessons and Carols (preceded by a carillon performance) ring in the Christmas season this Sunday at Mead Chapel, 4 and 7 pm). Meanwhile, Friday at 5:00 is a carol sing with François Clemmons and the MLK choir in Bi Hall—bring the kids. Friday night, the Middlebury Women’s Chorus performs at Axinn (cookies and cider, too); Mead Chapel’s got the D8 and Mischords, with Stuck in the Middle at Atwater Dining Hall.
  • If you prefer lots of hoops to five golden rings, there’s plenty of Panther basketball in town this weekend, as well as men’s hockey.
  • Saturday at 9, warm up and chill out with some Latin Jazz fusion by Mogani, a sextet featuring some of the area’s best musicians. They’re at 51 Main, with no cover.