Last month, almost 250 students, faculty members and staff members offered their thoughts through an anonymous survey on what Middlebury’s priorities should be for sexual assault education, prevention and response.  We write now to share what we’ve learned, and to invite you to join us in advancing the agenda you have helped to shape.

In addition to receiving solid support for the continued development of a confidential sexual assault advocates/allies program, we received strong feedback that what is needed is more: more opportunities for discussion; more facts about what happens on campus; more information about key definitions; and more opportunities to identify and dismantle aspects of our culture—at Middlebury and beyond—that are hospitable to sexual assault, and instead, foster a culture of respect, care and safety.

Our agenda is ambitious, and we can’t do it alone! We invite all interested community members to join us in our work on the projects below.

  1.  Sexual Assault Advocacy Program: Working to recruit, select and develop a training agenda for a small group of students, faculty and staff members to provide confidential support to students. To join, please contact Fritz Parker:
  2. Education and Visibility Campaign: Developing educational campaigns and discussion opportunities to advance community understanding, awareness, and prevention of sexual assault. To join, please contact Olivia Case:
  3. Prevalence Survey: Developing an annual survey to gather accurate data and information on the prevalence of sexual misconduct at Middlebury. To join, please contact Karen Guttentag:

Thank you in advance for your support.

Emily Pedowitz ’13 and Karen Guttentag, Assoc. Dean for Judicial Affairs and Student Life
Sexual Assault Oversight Committee Co-chairs