Lately, we have seen plenty of students, faculty and staff coming in to purchase a new power adapter for their Mac.  Many times, the cord is lost, stolen, frayed, or otherwise damaged.  Occasionally, one of the prongs on the magnetic end gets bent which renders the power adapter unable to connect and/or charge correctly.  We have the different power adapters for each Mac available here in the Bookstore.


More often lately than in the past though, we have run across a weird and irritating dilemma for the Mac user.  The System Power Management Control has needed resetting which results favorably in many cases, fixing the problem of the power adapter not charging the Mac.  This procedure is quite easy and anyone can do it. So, before you purchase a new power adapter for your Mac that you may or may not really need, follow these simple steps to reset your Mac’s SMC.

Before resetting the SMC

  1. Press Command + Option + Escape to Force Quit any application that is open (first save anything needed saving)
  2. Put your Mac to sleep by clicking Apple in upper left corner, then selecting Sleep.
  3. Restart your Mac by clicking Apple in Upper left corner again and selecting Restart.
  4. Shut Down your Mac by clicking the Apple in upper left corner and selecting Shut Down.

If your Mac isn’t responding press and hold down Power Button for 10 seconds.  Now you can follow these step by step instructions for Resetting the SMC.

For Mac’s that you should not remove battery on your own (no easy access to battery)  MacBook Pro’s later than 2009, all MacBook Air’s,  and the white MacBook (late 2009)

  1. After making sure Mac is shut down, plug in power adapter to Mac and power source.
  2. Press Left Side Shift + Control + Option Keys and the Power Button all at the same time holding for a moment.
  3. Release all the keys and Power Button at the same time.
  4. Press the Power Button to turn Mac on.
  5. Notice if LED light on power adapter is on and power adapter is starting to charge battery.  This is a good indication if you need to change the power adapter or not, a defective power adapter will not be charging the battery.

For intel-based Mac’s that the battery is accessible to change yourself.

  1. After making sure Mac is Shut Down, unplug the power adapter.
  2. Remove battery.
  3. Press and hold the Power Button for 5 seconds.
  4. Release Power Button.
  5. Attach power adapter to power source and Mac and insert battery.
  6. Press Power Button to turn Mac on.
  7. Notice if LED light on power adapter is on and power adapter is starting to charge battery.  This is a good indication if you need to change the power adapter or not, a defective power adapter will not be charging the battery.

Our Apple Authorized Tech is located right here in the Bookstore at the Apple Desk for your convenience for any Mac related issue.  He is available Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons.